Monday, November 29, 2010

A Quest for Keys

One of the most interesting pieces of wisdom on life I have been given is that before we are born we have a box filled with keys to the meaning of life. When we come into the world, we toss the keys from our box and they are randomly distributed to people around the world. To collect our keys, we have to have deep, meaningful conversations with people. As life passes, we meet more people and collect more of our keys, always learning more about life. Ever since I was told this, I have been on the lookout for my keys. Because I will be exposed to such a different culture and different views on life, I believe that the people I meet while in the Peace Corps will give me some of my most valuable keys. I also want to help others discover their keys and working in the Peace Corps would help me to do this.
The keys I’ve found after two summers working for the park service and a summer working for a conservation corps have opened a path to better the planet for future generations by conserving the land, utilizing it properly, and educating people about conservation and protection of natural resources. I hope to work permanently with the Peace Corps, NOLS, the Park Service, or the Forest Service to fulfill my goals. Being in the Peace Corps will be the first of many journeys I will have educating people about the amazing things the Earth has to offer.
I will have no problem dedicating 27 months to the Peace Corps because it is something I have always wanted to do and I always commit myself fully to everything I am involved in. I am always flexible and I am seeking a new and exciting adventure, so anywhere I am sent I will be more than happy with. I always conduct myself in a professional manner, appropriate to the situation. I thrive off of change and new experiences, so I have no problem adapting to new situations and cultures. I am always looking to create lifelong bonds and learn new philosophies on life to improve my own.
The biggest challenge I will face will be establishing a leadership role as a young female. I plan to overcome this by being confident and assertive about my goals and objectives and make sure I complete everything I start. I will also treat all people with respect and integrate their suggestions and culture into my plans.
The most important thing in life is experiencing as many things as possible and soaking up every drop life has to offer. Peace Corps is a perfect fit for me and it will provide me with the keys to my true path.

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